Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Gearing up for the big trip

Well, you all know I am moving across the country... what you might not know is this move consists of me driving, with my Mama and both of the Beasties, from Charleston SC to La Mesa CA. Oh yeah, since I have been living out of a suitcase for the last 6 months I have collected somethings... I have had a hitch put on my Vue and am renting a U-Haul.

Yeah, me and Mama, the Beasties, pulling a trailer and crossing the country in 4-5 days. Fun? Maybe. Funny? Definitely. I see a comedy of errors and issues happening next week.... between Mama and the Beasties we will stop every two hours to pee. And get something to drink so we can stop and pee again. Beastie#2 gets car sick so we have to get meds for her. Beastie#1 gets travel anxiety so he gets meds too. Oh yeah, you can't forget the fact that #1 can't eat dog food (lucky me) so I will have to make plenty of dog food to freeze and take with us. And #1 has daily meds anyway.

Don't forget, I have to call the vet and get everybody's anal glands expressed and nails clipped. Yippee! I have to call the pharmacist and get #1's Tylan powder filled, a double batch please. Yes, I get it from a regular pharmacy - well, not regular, a local compounding pharmacy - a people pharmacy. Whew. Mama and I each take daily meds more than one time a day, #1 gets meds in the morning and stuff every time he eats.... #2 doesn't take meds but, during the trip both Beasties will get pills in the morning. Crap.... and everybody needs about two hours from waking to getting in the car to take care of personal type business.

I can't believe I am planning on doing this in 5 days. Will it be Hell? Maybe.... I will let you know.

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